Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Book Review

Small Steps

By, Louis Sachar

Reviewed by, Jonathan B

Rating: $$$$$ (out of five)

Have you ever met a pop star before? Well in Small Steps this guys girlfriend is one! Find out how a boy named Theodore who was so disliked and lonely met up with a pop star. How will it work out? Find out in Small Steps!

One day a boy named Theodore was once again holding a shovel, but for his job not for Camp Green Lake. Theodore was sent to Camp Green Lake for beating up two boys for spilling his popcorn tripping and teasing him. It wasn't pretty, and the two boys were sent to the hospital.
At camp Theodore got the name Armpit from getting stung in the arm by a scorpion and the pain traveled to his armpit. When Armpit got back he came up with five small steps for his new life. One, graduate from high school. Two, Get a job. Three, save his money. Four, Avoid violent situations. Five, Lose the name Armpit. When Armpit got home he had to go through his parents again. Armpits parents tested him every time he got home because they thought he might be doing drugs. After getting home his friend X ray called him. He wanted to try a get rich quick scheme. He wanted Armpit to buy 12 tickets to the Kaira De' Lone' concert. Now this is a problem for Armpit because he doesn't make that much money. But X ray told Armpit he would get $1000 back for the tickets except X ray said they would split the profit. Armpit thought about the $500 he would get back so he agreed. Armpit and X ray sold 10 out of the 12 tickets because Armpit wanted to go with his friend Ginny his neighbor. When they sat down in their seats two other people went up to him and said why do you have our seats. Shortly after that moment Armpit knew the tickets were fake! Armpit was being held down on the ground by the police and suddenly Ginny had a seizure. Ginny has seizures when she gets afraid but the others thought she had drugs pumped into her system. Armpit got of the ground and they backed away. Ginny calmed down and Armpit and her went to the hospital in the stadium. and guess who went up there to comfort them, it was Kaira herself! They talked to each other for awhile and were asked back stage. After the show Armpit and Kaira got kinda' close. A few days later a detective comes to his house to ask about the false tickets and where he got them. He had to make something up, or make a believable story that would buy some time. Armpit and Kaira went on a date and they fell in love.The next day a letter came to armpit describing there night out. And that night Kaira called about the letter she sent him and if he wanted to go to San Francisco for her next concert obviously Armpit went. Meanwhile Karia's boss El Genius was planning to get rid of Kaira for good. El Genius was Karia's step father and business manager. All he uses Karia's mom for is getting money. So now Armpit has to get through a police inspection, Get together with Kaira and make there relationship work and not break it. And what will happen to Kaira with El Genius.

I liked this book very much because it brings out all the problems in life. Like racism, mental disability, making fake items, the killings of famous people, and framing. I also like some romance mixed with action and drama. The romantic scenes are kinda' mushy but funny like with the letters Kaira sends to Theodore.

I would recommend this book to people that are 12 and older. The reason I say this is because of this books complicated phrases and words, Real descriptive text, And numerous amounts of pages younger people would find it boring or complicated unless your a book worm. Drama and romance lovers would enjoy this book. Plus if you like having a cliff hanger at the end of a chapter this is the book.


Mr. Talner said...

Ow, that is a lot of writing.

Jason R said...

Excellent! there is a truck load of writing but maybe not give away so much of the book, but besides for that this is one of the best and longest reviews ever!!!

Anonymous said...

This Is really good, but try not to give out TOO much information. But Still, This is a good review.

Sam V said...

You did a great job. Your intro in very grabbing. I think you might want to shorten it a little because it gives away a little TOO much.

Mr. Talner said...

your classmates seem to think that your summary gives away too much. I would consider changing that.

I liked this book very much because it brings out all the problems in life. Like racism, mental disability, making fake items, the killings of famous people, and framing.

I really like your opinion because you were specific and gave concrete examples.

I think that the only part that needs some refining is the summary. nice.