Friday, February 29, 2008

Please leave a comment

If you want to say something leave a comment on my blog!

My links to stuff!!!

Go to the bottom of my page where it says my links to stuff and click on a link to some of your favorite websites!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

If I were a rock star!

No I would not like to be an on tour rock star because you have to play in so many concerts and avoid the paparazzi and fans. So besides the money it would be a drag.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Small Steps

I'm reading the book Small Steps. It is about a sixteen year old named Thedore that was put in a camp for juvenile misfits. It was called Camp Green Lake and Thedore was sent to it for beating some guys up for them spilling his popcorn. At Camp Green Lake Thedore got the name Armpit for getting stung in the arm by a scorpion and the pain travelled to his armpit. After Armpit got out, his buddy X ray wanted to sell some concert tickets for the upcoming Kaira De' Leone concert. After they sold the tickets he wanted to go to the concert and X ray gave him the last two tickets to the concert. When Armpit got there he learned his tickets were fake! Armpit now has to go through an investigation and pay off a deal to someone before time runs out! And worst of all, Armpits new girlfriend is Kaira and she almost dumped him! Armpit now has to save his friend and his relation ship with Kaira.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Awnsers for Detective Newburg

To stop crime, and bring justice to this city.

They both had said the same quotes and answers. Plus Thedore seemed very nervous when he talked.

Mostly X ray Thedore seems like he had less to do with this crime because X ray had more contacts with other men than Thedore.

I was tracking drug dealers when they had a whole base. We used S.W.A.T members to take them down, we lost 15 men that day.

Were you once an interrogator?

Once and it was for the war in Iraq.

Karias lyrics

I chose the lyrics " save me armpit a damsel in distress" because that is what influenced Armpit to go to the concert and hear Kaira sing the song. In the story it led him to meat Kaira and get them together.

Kaira's letter to Thedore (response)

I think that Kaira is really in love with Thedore but she's embarrassed to say it like in her letter. She didn't want to mail it to him because it was all lovey and mushy, and it was romantic but slightly disturbing. A line from her letter "When I touched your armpit it made me all goosy inside".

I voted for Thedore

I voted for Thedore because he's a misunderstood 16 year old who is big and strong, but is gentle on the inside. That is, if you don't mess with him!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Questions for Ginny

Questions for Ginny

1. How did you like being on the back stage?

2. Why do you have so many seizures?

3. How come you were so calm with meeting Kaira?

4. Did you like your seats? how were they?

5. Why do you where leg braces?